Yes, you can request a book or other library resource online through your library account in OneSearch.
If the book is not checked out, it will be retrieved and held at the Library Services Desk for you. If the book is currently checked out, your name will be put on the hold list for when the item is returned (or the item will be recalled from the current borrower, depending on due dates/borrowing privileges). To place a request, sign in to your library account and search for your desired item. Click on the Request button.
You may also request some items located in the HNI Corporation Instructional Resources & Technology Services (IRTS) Lab located in Schindler. Collections in the IRTS lab that can be requested: Stacks, Enrich, Textbooks, and Curriculum Units & Activities.
There is information about this on the Requesting Materials page. Scroll down to Book Retrieval Service for details.
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